Guild Hall - Heroes of Hammerwatch wiki (2024)

The Guild Hall menu can be opened by pressing the 'G' key.


  • 1 Skill Upgrades
  • 2 Character Titles
  • 3 Guild Titles
  • 4 Guild Achievements

Skill Upgrades

You can spend your skill stars here to upgrade the skills of your characters. To upgrade all your characters skills, 177 skill stars are required. At character level 30 you should have accumulated 162 skill stars. The additional stars gained from leveling up your guild title levels with fame should give you enough points to max out a character around level 29-30.

Tier Primary AttackActive 1 Active 2 Active 3 Passive 1 Passive 2 Passive 3
Level 1 3 Skill Stars 3 Skill Stars - - 2 Skill Stars - -
Level 2 4 Skill Stars 4 Skill Stars 5 Skill Stars - 3 Skill Stars 4 Skill Stars -
Level 3 5 Skill Stars 5 Skill Stars 6 Skill Stars 7 Skill Stars 4 Skill Stars 5 Skill Stars -
Level 4 6 Skill Stars 6 Skill Stars 8 Skill Stars 9 Skill Stars 5 Skill Stars 6 Skill Stars 10 Skill Stars
Level 5 8 Skill Stars 8 Skill Stars 10 Skill Stars 12 Skill Stars 6 Skill Stars 8 Skill Stars 15 Skill Stars

You can also respec a character for 250g per skill star currently assigned. Only complete respecs are available.

Character Titles

Each playable class grants a permanent global stat bonus to all of your characters when you unlock new Titles.
Each class grants their own unique stat and multiples of the same character title will not stack.

New Titles may be obtained by defeating bosses for the first time, and completing the game on higher difficulty settings.

The stat bonuses continue increasing infinitely as of version 87, but after NG+2 the name of the title will not change anymore.

Unlock Paladin Ranger Sorcerer Warlock Thief Priest Wizard Gladiator Witch Hunter
Stat Given Armor Attack PowerMana Regen Resist Gold Bonus% HP Regen Skill PowerPrimary Crit Damage Skill Crit Damage
No Achievements Novice (0) Novice (0) Novice (0) Novice (0) Novice (+0%) Novice (0) Novice (0) Novice (+0%) Novice (+0%)
Killing The Stone GuardianApprentice (2) Apprentice (2) Apprentice (0.2) Apprentice (2) Apprentice (+2.5%) Apprentice (0.1) Apprentice (2) Apprentice (+5%) Apprentice (+5%)
Killing The Warden Journeyman (4) Journeyman (4) Disciple (0.4) Disciple (4) Journeyman (+5%) Disciple (0.2) Disciple (4) Journeyman (+15%) Disciple (+15%)
Killing The Three Wraiths Squire (7) Scout (7) Arcanist (0.7) Ritualist (7) Bandit (+10%) Zealot (0.4) Scholar (7) Scrapper (+25%) Devotee (+25%)
Killing The Watcher Champion (10) Hunter (10) Enchanter (1.0) Occultist (10) Rogue (+15%) Patriarch (0.6) Seer (10) Pit Fighter (+40%) Missionary (+40%)
Killing The Vampire Lord Defender (15) Pathfinder (15) Elementalist (1.5) Conjurer (15) Brigand (+25%) Bishop (1.0) Sage (15) Challenger (+60%) Advocate (+60%)
Killing Thundersnow Crusader (20) Warden (20) Channeler (2.0) Diabolist (20) Ruffian (+35%) Archbishop (1.4) Magus (20) Defeater (+80%) Adjudicator (+80%)
Completing NG+1 Templar (25) Sentinel (25) Evoker (2.5) Netherlord (25) Infiltrator (+45%) Cardinal (1.8) Battlemage (25) Hero (+100%) Inquisitor (+100%)
Completing NG+2 Lightbringer (30) Guardian (30) Spellbinder (3.0) Deathlord (30) Assassin (+55%) Pope (2.2) Archmage (30) Idol (+120%) Fanatic (+120%)

Any further completions of higher difficulties will always grant the following increases to your title bonus:
Paladin: +5 Armor
Ranger: + 5 Attack Power
Sorcerer: + 0.5 Mana Regen
Warlock: + 5 Resistance
Thief: + 10% Gold Gain
Priest: + 0.4 Health Regen
Wizard: + 5 Skill Power
Gladiator: +20% Primary attack Crit damage
Witch Hunter: +20% Skill Crit damage

Guild Titles

Your guild is leveled up by completing guild achievements. Upon leveling up your guild level, you gain various amounts of gold, ore, and 3 permanent skill points (stars) to spend on upgrading your character's skills.
These skill points will be available to even brand new level 1 characters and are cumulative.

To achieve the final guild title requiring 2M fame, you would need to acquire almost every achievement in the game. Expect to spend countless hours and hundreds of runs to achieve it.

Guild Title Fame RequiredCumulative Skill StarsGold AwardedOre Awarded
Unknown 0 0 x x
Recognized 2,500 3 5K 5
Acknowledged 10,000 6 10K 10
Respected 25,000 9 20K 15
Memorable 50,000 12 30K 20
Prominent 100,000 15 50K 25
Distinguished200,000 18 70K 30
Famous 325,000 21 100K 35
Acclaimed 500,000 24 150K 40
Illustrious 700,000 27 200K 45
Celebrated 1,000,000 30 300k 50
Glorious 1,500,000 33 400K 55
Exalted 2,000,000 36 500K 60

Guild Achievements

Not all achievements go up to Rank 5; those that don't have " - " instead of the upper ranks.

Name Description Rank 1 Rank 2 Rank 3 Rank 4 Rank 5
Knights ChapterReach level X with a Paladin 5 10 15 20 40
Fame Awarded: 500 2,500 7,500 15,000 30,000
Hunters LodgeReach level X with a Ranger 5 10 15 20 40
Fame Awarded: 500 2,500 7,500 15,000 30,000
Magicians CircleReach level X with a Sorcerer 5 10 15 20 40
Fame Awarded: 500 2,500 7,500 15,000 30,000
Mystic CultReach level X with a Warlock 5 10 15 20 40
Fame Awarded: 500 2,500 7,500 15,000 30,000
Holy OrderReach level X with a Thief 5 10 15 20 40
Fame Awarded: 500 2,500 7,500 15,000 30,000
Thieves DenReach level X with a Priest 5 10 15 20 40
Fame Awarded: 500 2,500 7,500 15,000 30,000
Arcane LeagueReach level X with a Wizard 5 10 15 20 40
Fame Awarded: 500 2,500 7,500 15,000 30,000
Gladiatorial SchoolGuild Hall - Heroes of Hammerwatch wiki (1)Reach level X with a Gladiator 5 10 15 20 40
Fame Awarded: 500 2,500 7,500 15,000 30,000
Fanatic BrotherhoodReach level X with a Witch Hunter 5 10 15 20 40
Fame Awarded: 500 2,500 7,500 15,000 30,000
Bringers Of HopeKill the Stone Guardian with X different classes 1 3 5 7 -
Fame Awarded: 500 1,250 2,500 7,500 -
Breakers Of ChainsKill the Warden with X different classes 1 3 5 7 -
Fame Awarded: 1,000 2,500 5,000 12,500 -
Abolishers Of EvilKill the Three Councilors with X different classes 1 3 5 7 -
Fame Awarded: 2,500 5,000 10,000 20,000 -
Establishers Of OrderKill the Watcher with X different classes 1 3 5 7 -
Fame Awarded: 5,000 7,500 30,000 -
Deposers of DespotsKill the Vampire Lord with X different classes 1 3 5 7 -
Fame Awarded: 7,500 10,000 40,000 -
Restorers Of PeaceKill Thundersnow with X different classes 1 3 5 7 -
Fame Awarded: 10,000 15,000 50,000 -
Lurker of the DesertGuild Hall - Heroes of Hammerwatch wiki (2)Kill the Giant Crustworm with X different classes 1 3 5 7 -
Fame Awarded: 5,000 7,500 15,000 30,000 -
Entombed BeautyGuild Hall - Heroes of Hammerwatch wiki (3)Kill Queen Iris with X different classes 1 3 5 7 -
Fame Awarded: 7,500 10,000 20,000 40,000 -
Lure of the LampGuild Hall - Heroes of Hammerwatch wiki (4)Kill Nerys with X different classes 1 3 5 7 -
Fame Awarded: 10,000 15,000 30,000 50,000 -
Name Description Rank 1 Rank 2 Rank 3 Rank 4 Rank 5
KillersKill X Enemies 5K 25K 50K 250K 1M
Fame Awarded: 250 500 1,000 2,500 10,000
ExorcistsKill X Aberrations 2,000 7,500 75K 350K
Fame Awarded: 250 500 10,000
Beast SlayersKill X Beasts 1,000 5,000 15K 50K 250K
Fame Awarded: 250 500 1,000 2,500 10,000
DemolishersKill X Constructs 250 1,000 2,500 12,500 50K
Fame Awarded: 250 500 1,000 2,500 10,000
SanctifiersKill X Undead 2,500 12,500 25,000 125K 500K
Fame Awarded: 250 500 1,000 2,500 10,000
WarriorsDeal X physical damage 100K 500K 2M 5M 10M
Fame Awarded: 250 500 1,000 2,500 10,000
MagesDeal X magical damage 100K 500K 2M 5M 10M
Fame Awarded: 250 500 1,000 2,500 10,000
Heavy HittersDeal X damage in a single hit 100 200 500 1,000 1,500
Fame Awarded: 250 500 1,000 5,000 10,000
BlockersBlock X damage 1,000 5,000 25,000 100K 500K
Fame Awarded: 250 500 1,000 2,500 10,000
RevengersReturn X damage 1,000 5,000 25K 100K 500K
Fame Awarded: 250 500 1,000 2,500 10,000
SpellcastersSpend X mana 10K 50K 250K 1M 5M
Fame Awarded: 250 500 1,000 2,500 10,000
Combo StrikersChain a Combo of X kills 50 100 250 500 1000
Fame Awarded: 250 500 1,000 2,500 10,000
Critical HittersScore X Critical hits 500 2,500 10K 50K 200K
Fame Awarded: 250 500 1,000 2,500 10,000
BashersStun X enemies 500 2,500 10K 50K 200K
Fame Awarded: 250 500 1,000 2,500 10,000
Blood HuntersGain X health from lifestealing 500 2,500 50K 100K
Fame Awarded: 250 500 10,000
DodgersEvade X attacks 250 1K 5K 25K 100K
Fame Awarded: 250 500 1,000 10,000
Name Description Rank 1 Rank 2 Rank 3 Rank 4 Rank 5
Potion GulpersUse the potion X times 50 250 1000 - -
Fame Awarded: 250 1,000 5,000 - -
ReplenishersUse a well X times 25 100 500 - -
Fame Awarded: 250 1,000 5,000 - -
PhysiciansHeal for X health 10K 100K 500K - -
Fame Awarded: 250 1,000 5,000 - -
GourmandsHeal X health from pickups 1K 10K 100K - -
Fame Awarded: 250 1,000 5,000 - -
Name Description Rank 1 Rank 2 Rank 3 Rank 4 Rank 5
ExplorersReach X new floors 50 250 1000 - -
Fame Awarded: 250 1,000 5,000 - -
WanderersWalk for X km 83.33 833.33 1666.67 - -
Fame Awarded: 250 1,000 5,000 - -
Gold DiggersFind X gold 50K 250K 1M 5M 10M
Fame Awarded: 250 500 1,000 2,500 10,000
MinersFind X Ore 50 250 1,000 5K 10K
Fame Awarded: 250 500 1,000 2,500 10,000
DispatchersUse the Elevator X times 10 50 250 - -
Fame Awarded: 500 2,500 7,500 - -
Bronze Chest PillagersOpen X Bronze chests 10 50 250 500 -
Fame Awarded: 250 1,000 5,000 10,000 -
Silver Chest PillagersOpen X Silver chests 10 50 250 500 -
Fame Awarded: 500 2,500 10,000 15,000 -
Gold Chest PillagersOpen X Gold chests 10 50 250 500 -
Fame Awarded: 1,000 5,000 15,000 20,000 -
Ace Chest PillagersOpen X Ace chests 5 25 50 100 -
Fame Awarded: 2,500 7,500 25,000 -
DetectivesFind X Secrets 10 100 500 - -
Fame Awarded: 500 2,500 7,500 - -
Ancient PowersActivate X Monoliths 10 50 250
Fame Awarded: 500 2,500 7,500
PurgersGuild Hall - Heroes of Hammerwatch wiki (5)Remove X Curses 10 100 500 1,000 -
Fame Awarded: 500 2,500 5,000 10,000 -
Blood RitesTake X Blood Rites 10 50
Fame Awarded: 500 2,500
Name Description Rank 1 Rank 2 Rank 3 Rank 4 Rank 5
Trials of the ArenaGuild Hall - Heroes of Hammerwatch wiki (6)Reach rank X in the Arena 5 10 15 20 25
Fame Awarded: 2,500 7,500 15,000 30,000 50,000
CombatantsGuild Hall - Heroes of Hammerwatch wiki (7)Win X Arena skirmishes 10 50 100 250 -
Fame Awarded: 1,000 5,000 10,000 25,000 -
BuildersBuy X building upgrades 5 10 20 35 45
Fame Awarded: 500 2,500 5,000 10,000 25,000
Big SpendersSpend X gold 5K 25K 100K 500K 2.5M
Fame Awarded: 250 500 1,000 2,500 10,000
UpgradersBuy X character upgrades 10 50 100 250 -
Fame Awarded: 500 2,500 5,000 10,000 -
SculptorsGuild Hall - Heroes of Hammerwatch wiki (8)Build X statue upgrades 3 9 18 30 45
Fame Awarded: 2,500 7,500 15,000 25,000 40,000
Divine FavorsBuy X blessings from the Chapel 3 9 15 21 -
Fame Awarded: 500 2,500 5,000 10,000 -
Coin TossersUse the Fountain X times 5 25 100 - -
Fame Awarded: 500 2,500 7,500 - -
QuenchersConsume X Tavern Drinks 10 50 250 - -
Fame Awarded: 500 2,500 5,000 - -
High RollersWin X from gambling 1K 10K 100K 1M -
Fame Awarded: 500 2,500 7,500 15,000 -
Name Description Rank 1 Rank 2 Rank 3 Rank 4 Rank 5
Common LootersFind X Common items 25 100 250 1,000 2,500
Fame Awarded: 250 500 2,500 5,000 10,000
Uncommon LootersFind X Uncommon items 25 100 250 1,000 2,500
Fame Awarded: 500 2,500 5,000 10,000 15,000
Rare LootersFind X Rare items 25 100 250 1,000 2,500
Fame Awarded: 1,000 5,000 15,000 20,000
Epic LootersFind X Epic items 20 75 150 300 500
Fame Awarded: 2,000 15,000 20,000 25,000
Legendary LootersFind X Legendary items 5 25 50 100 250
Fame Awarded: 2,500 10,000 20,000 25,000 30,000
ShoppersBuy X items 10 100 250 500 1,000
Fame Awarded: 250 500 1,000 2,500 10,000
CollectorsComplete X items sets 5 25 50 100 -
Fame Awarded: 500 2,500 5,000 10,000 -
CraftersCraft X items 10 50 250 - -
Fame Awarded: 500 2,500 5,000 - -
Item ForgersCraft X items from Magic Furnaces 10
Fame Awarded: 500
AttunersAttune X items 10 50 250 - -
Fame Awarded: 500 2,500 5,000 - -
Item GamblersGain X items from gambling 10 50
Fame Awarded: 500 2,500
Wiki Navigator
ClassesPaladinPriestRangerSorcererThiefWarlockWizardGuild Hall - Heroes of Hammerwatch wiki (9)GladiatorGuild Hall - Heroes of Hammerwatch wiki (10)Witch Hunter
The OutlookForsaken Tower (campaign) • ApothecaryBestiaryBlacksmithChapelCompanions (pets)FountainGuild HallGeneral Store
Magic ShopMagic AnvilOre TraderTown HallTailorTavern
MechanicsChestsCombatCompletion RewardsEncountersItemsLeveling UpMercenary modeMoneyNew Game Plus
Guild Hall - Heroes of Hammerwatch wiki (11)City of Stone Pyramid of Prophecy (campaign) • ArenaRetired GladiatorStatues
Guild Hall - Heroes of Hammerwatch wiki (12)Path of Sorrow Moon Temple (campaign) • Legacy shopMercenary mode
ModdingCommandsPackagerStarting a modEditorCustom language files
Custom Materials (Dyes)Effect FileCustom ItemsCustom assetsCustom ShopsCustom sounds and music
Uploading to the workshopMy Mod Was Marked as Incompatible!?
MiscLoreVoice LinesPatch NotesTroubleshooting
Guild Hall - Heroes of Hammerwatch wiki (2024)
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Author: Errol Quitzon

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Views: 6342

Rating: 4.9 / 5 (79 voted)

Reviews: 86% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Errol Quitzon

Birthday: 1993-04-02

Address: 70604 Haley Lane, Port Weldonside, TN 99233-0942

Phone: +9665282866296

Job: Product Retail Agent

Hobby: Computer programming, Horseback riding, Hooping, Dance, Ice skating, Backpacking, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Errol Quitzon, I am a fair, cute, fancy, clean, attractive, sparkling, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.