10 Best Town Hall 9 Army and Attack Strategies in CoC 2024 - NewForestSafari (2024)

Town Hall 9 Attack strategies are a lot better than TH8. You are introduced to several new attack strategies that can be retried at any Town Hall level in the future.

The biggest benefit that you get after upgrading to TH9 is that you get to unlock the Archer Queen. She is probably the most loved Hero in the game. Yes, Royal Champion is giving it a tough competition but then again Archer Queen is available to more players as compared to Royal Champion.

Read on our whole guide to learn new TH9 attack strategies, army compositions, and twists in old attack styles.

10. Mass Dragon

Army Composition:

  • 10 Dragon
  • 4 Balloon
  • 8-9 Light Spell
  • 0-1 Poison spell

Training Time:32 Minutes

Yes, I Said above that the Mass dragon spam attack is not worth it at Town Hall 9 (and beyond) therefore we do a slight modification. We take 4 balloons along with 10 Dragons and 9 light spells.

You will take out two air defenses using 8 light spells. You should target the two air defenses that are in the innermost compartments of the base. Use your barbarian King and archer queen to destroy the third.

Deploy 2-3 dragons near the fourth air defense and when it locks on dragons deploy balloons. The mighty balloons will destroy the fourth and final defense. Yes, the X-bow can cause trouble. Use poison to kill either Enemy queen or CC troops.

Builder Hall 6 Max Levels

9. GoHog

10 Best Town Hall 9 Army and Attack Strategies in CoC 2024 - NewForestSafari (1)

Army Composition:

  • 2 Golem
  • 24 Hog Rider
  • 6 Archer
  • 5 wall breaker
  • 6 wizards
  • 2 Heal Spell
  • 2 Rage Spell
  • 1 Poison spell

Training Time:32 Min 51 Sec

This strategy is going to cost you a good amount of dark elixir so use it only when your Town Hall 9 is about to max out and you have dark elixir to spare. This will give you guaranteed three stars so you don’t have to worry about trophies.

The strategy is simple you deploy one golem on each side of the edge of the opponent’s base. Do not deploy them on the side of the queen as it will kill the golem while staying behind the wall. Use 2-3 wall breakers to pave the path for a golem.

Deploy two wizards behind each golem. Deploy the barbarian king and archer queen in between the funnel created by two golems. As soon as xbow starts targeting golems you deploy 2 groups of hog riders (12 each) behind each golem. Use rage spell on hogs and heal on golems plus heroes.

8. Lavaloonion

Army Composition:

  • 5 Healers
  • 3 Lava
  • 12 Balloon
  • 4 Rage Spell
  • 1 Freeze Spell

Training Time:31 Min

Out of all the attack strategies in clash of clans queen walk is my favorite. No matter how many strategies you use or how many different combinations you try, there is nothing as good as queen walk.

The beauty about queen walk is that you can try different army combinations with it. The basic rule is that you need healers that keep healing your queen while she supercharges through the center of the base and tears apart the Town Hall.

You can use an air raid queen attack where the lava hound and balloon help the queen to destroy the opponent’s base or you can use a gowipe style queen walk where the Pekka makes a funnel for a queen.

In any army, combination remembers the healers must be protected from air defense so that they provide maximum healing to the powerful queen. Also, you must have the highest level of the queen at your Town Hall so that you do not fail in this strategy.

Which attack is best for Town Hall 9?

Even though Mass attack still works at Town Hall 9 but I will still recommend going for hybrid armies as they give you a better understanding of how the game evolves at higher Town Hall levels.

You can get three stars with Mass dragon or mass hog rider or Mass Valkyrie or even Mass Pekka attack but all these attacks are successful only against Town Hall 9.5 or lower.

A maxed-out Town Hall 9 with a maxed-out queen and troops in Clan castle can easily overthrow such attacks.

What’s the best attack strategy for the Clash of Clans?

For the sake of the above arguments, I have tried to not include Mass “inert troop here” armies in this top 10 list.

You will still find two mass armies in the list below but they solve a special purpose. If you want to create the best attack strategy for TH9 then you must focus on the two x-bow and archer queens that are introduced at this Town Hall level.

How do you attack a dragon with Town Hall 9?

As the Queen can attack both ground and air therefore mass dragon attack strategy is almost a failure. Also, you have four air defenses at Town Hall 9 which makes it almost impossible to defeat via a dragon spam attack.

Which Town Hall 9 attack strategy is your favorite?

Clash ON

  • 2 Golem
  • 4 Pekka
  • 6 Wall Breaker
  • 12 Wizards
  • 2 Heal Spell
  • 2 Rage Spell
  • 1 Poison Spell

Training Time:29 min 30 sec

The good old Gowipe is useful on every Town Hall level. It is the most basic strategy that you can perfect while also mastering your funneling art.

Again we deploy one golem on each side followed by 3 wall breakers. Deploy 3 wizards behind each golem to create the funnel. When the funnel path to the center of the base is clear we will deploy Pekka. Use all spells on Pekka but as per the situation.

Your heroes will help to wipe out external buildings so that Pekka does not come outside the base and ruin the mission. You can take a freeze or light spell if you want to save dark elixir.


6. GoWiWi

Army Composition:

  • 2 Golem
  • 10 Witches
  • 6 Wall breaker
  • 7 wizards
  • 2 Heal Spell
  • 2 Rage Spell
  • 1 skeleton spell

Training Time:35 Min

This strategy is called witch slap and it justifies its name by demolishing the opponent’s base within minutes. Again we will use golems to make a funnel for our 10 witches. We will deploy a golem on the edges of the base along with 3 wall breakers behind each.

The wizard along with Barbarian King and Archer queen will make the funnel wide by clearing outsider obstacles. Once the path to the center of the base is wide open we will deploy our 10 witches. Deploy 5 witches in two groups with both groups at 4-5 tiles apart.

Use heal spells to heal heroes and golems whereas rage on witches once they are inside the base. Do not use all your wizards in one go. Deploy wizards only when you need to keep witches inside the funnel.

5. Mass Goblin

Army Composition: Mass 220 Goblins

Training Time:27 Min

Although we said above that we won’t be using mass single-troop armies but a mass goblin attack is a must if you want to loot a huge amount of gold, elixir, and dark elixir in the shortest amount of time.

If you want this mass goblin spam attack strategy to be successful then keep your trophies in the range of 2000 to 3000. Also, remember you are not going to win the battles as your main goal is to loot gold/elixir.

Use this strategy whenever your builders are free and you want to push a Town Hall upgrade.

4. Mass Baby Dragon

Army Composition: Mass 22 Baby Dragon and 9 Light Spell

Training Time:33 Min

This is another mass spam attack strategy that you must include in your Town Hall 9 attacks. Baby dragon has a special quality that its damage per second doubles when it is not in the range of other flying troops.

This is the reason why we will use it alone. Deploy only one baby dragon at a time at one point. Keep it out of range of air defense. All baby dragons deployed should be apart from each other to get the maximum benefit of this strategy.

3. GiWiPe

Army Composition:

  • 12 Giants
  • 10 Wizards
  • 4 Pekka
  • 5 Barbarian
  • 5 Archer
  • 5 wall breaker
  • 3 heal spell
  • 1 rage spell
  • 1 Freeze spell

Training Time:27 Min

There are multiple reasons why I love the GiWiPe attack. Firstly this army doesn’t use a single drop of dark elixir. Therefore if you are in shortage of this rare resource then feel free to build this army and wreak havoc on opponent bases.

Secondly, this strategy is so powerful that I usually overkill another Town Hall on 9 bases no matter how they design it.

You have to deploy all 12 giants in a group of one to the opposite side of the Opponent queen. Use the wizards, barbarians archers, and Pekka to make a funnel for giants.

Make sure your queen and atleast two Pekkas enter the base with the Giants. Use heal spell on troops that are at the center of the base. Use a freeze spell on the enemy queen to clean bold her quickly.

2. GoValk

Army Composition:

  • 2 Golem
  • 15 Valkyrie
  • 6 Wall breaker
  • 7 wizards
  • 1 heal spell
  • 3 rage spell
  • 1 poison spell

Training Time:37 Min 30 sec

Now it is clear to you that the most powerful armies at higher Town Hall levels use a lot of dark elixirs. The GoValk strategy is also another powerful army that will put a burden on your dark elixir storage.

But if you find Town Halls full of gold, elixir, and dark elixir then you can fill your storage in no time while also winning a lot of trophies.

The Valkyries need a funneling to enter the base and after that, you need to rage them. Most Town Hall 9 defenses get destroyed in less than 90 seconds. The only enemy of this strategy is opponent heroes. Therefore you need poison to slow down their damage.

1. Queen Walk

Army Composition:

  • 5 Healers
  • 3 Lava
  • 12 Balloon
  • 4 Rage Spell
  • 1 Freeze Spell

Training Time:31 Min

Out of all the attack strategies in clash of clans queen walk is my favorite. No matter how many strategies you use or how many different combinations you try, there is nothing as good as queen walk.

The beauty about queen walk is that you can try different army combinations with it. The basic rule is that you need healers that keep healing your queen while she supercharges through the center of the base and tears apart the Town Hall.

You can use an air raid queen attack where the lava hound and balloon help the queen to destroy the opponent’s base or you can use a gowipe style queen walk where the Pekka makes a funnel for a queen.

In any army, combination remembers the healers must be protected from air defense so that they provide maximum healing to the powerful queen. Also, you must have the highest level of the queen at your Town Hall so that you do not fail in this strategy.

Which attack is best for Town Hall 9?

Even though Mass attack still works at Town Hall 9 but I will still recommend going for hybrid armies as they give you a better understanding of how the game evolves at higher Town Hall levels.

You can get three stars with Mass dragon or mass hog rider or Mass Valkyrie or even Mass Pekka attack but all these attacks are successful only against Town Hall 9.5 or lower.

A maxed-out Town Hall 9 with a maxed-out queen and troops in Clan castle can easily overthrow such attacks.

What’s the best attack strategy for the Clash of Clans?

For the sake of the above arguments, I have tried to not include Mass “inert troop here” armies in this top 10 list.

You will still find two mass armies in the list below but they solve a special purpose. If you want to create the best attack strategy for TH9 then you must focus on the two x-bow and archer queens that are introduced at this Town Hall level.

How do you attack a dragon with Town Hall 9?

As the Queen can attack both ground and air therefore mass dragon attack strategy is almost a failure. Also, you have four air defenses at Town Hall 9 which makes it almost impossible to defeat via a dragon spam attack.

Which Town Hall 9 attack strategy is your favorite?

Clash ON

  • 3 Lava Hound
  • 20 Balloons
  • 15 minions
  • 4 Rage Spell
  • 1 Haste/Poison Spell

Training Time:29 min 30 sec

This is another costly attack strategy that you can use if you have an extra dark elixir. This air raid is a simplified version of Lavaloon and Queen Walk.

Lavaloonion strategy is easy to follow. You deploy one lava hound on each air defense along with 5 balloons behind each lava. Use rage spell on Balloon group. The remaining balloons will be deployed near the fourth air defense.

Minions are tasked to help lava pups wipe out the remaining base. You can use haste over balloons to speed them up or you can take a poison spell to weaken the opponent queen.

7. Gowipe

Army Composition:

  • 2 Golem
  • 4 Pekka
  • 6 Wall Breaker
  • 12 Wizards
  • 2 Heal Spell
  • 2 Rage Spell
  • 1 Poison Spell

Training Time:29 min 30 sec

The good old Gowipe is useful on every Town Hall level. It is the most basic strategy that you can perfect while also mastering your funneling art.

Again we deploy one golem on each side followed by 3 wall breakers. Deploy 3 wizards behind each golem to create the funnel. When the funnel path to the center of the base is clear we will deploy Pekka. Use all spells on Pekka but as per the situation.

Your heroes will help to wipe out external buildings so that Pekka does not come outside the base and ruin the mission. You can take a freeze or light spell if you want to save dark elixir.


6. GoWiWi

Army Composition:

  • 2 Golem
  • 10 Witches
  • 6 Wall breaker
  • 7 wizards
  • 2 Heal Spell
  • 2 Rage Spell
  • 1 skeleton spell

Training Time:35 Min

This strategy is called witch slap and it justifies its name by demolishing the opponent’s base within minutes. Again we will use golems to make a funnel for our 10 witches. We will deploy a golem on the edges of the base along with 3 wall breakers behind each.

The wizard along with Barbarian King and Archer queen will make the funnel wide by clearing outsider obstacles. Once the path to the center of the base is wide open we will deploy our 10 witches. Deploy 5 witches in two groups with both groups at 4-5 tiles apart.

Use heal spells to heal heroes and golems whereas rage on witches once they are inside the base. Do not use all your wizards in one go. Deploy wizards only when you need to keep witches inside the funnel.

5. Mass Goblin

Army Composition: Mass 220 Goblins

Training Time:27 Min

Although we said above that we won’t be using mass single-troop armies but a mass goblin attack is a must if you want to loot a huge amount of gold, elixir, and dark elixir in the shortest amount of time.

If you want this mass goblin spam attack strategy to be successful then keep your trophies in the range of 2000 to 3000. Also, remember you are not going to win the battles as your main goal is to loot gold/elixir.

Use this strategy whenever your builders are free and you want to push a Town Hall upgrade.

4. Mass Baby Dragon

Army Composition: Mass 22 Baby Dragon and 9 Light Spell

Training Time:33 Min

This is another mass spam attack strategy that you must include in your Town Hall 9 attacks. Baby dragon has a special quality that its damage per second doubles when it is not in the range of other flying troops.

This is the reason why we will use it alone. Deploy only one baby dragon at a time at one point. Keep it out of range of air defense. All baby dragons deployed should be apart from each other to get the maximum benefit of this strategy.

3. GiWiPe

Army Composition:

  • 12 Giants
  • 10 Wizards
  • 4 Pekka
  • 5 Barbarian
  • 5 Archer
  • 5 wall breaker
  • 3 heal spell
  • 1 rage spell
  • 1 Freeze spell

Training Time:27 Min

There are multiple reasons why I love the GiWiPe attack. Firstly this army doesn’t use a single drop of dark elixir. Therefore if you are in shortage of this rare resource then feel free to build this army and wreak havoc on opponent bases.

Secondly, this strategy is so powerful that I usually overkill another Town Hall on 9 bases no matter how they design it.

You have to deploy all 12 giants in a group of one to the opposite side of the Opponent queen. Use the wizards, barbarians archers, and Pekka to make a funnel for giants.

Make sure your queen and atleast two Pekkas enter the base with the Giants. Use heal spell on troops that are at the center of the base. Use a freeze spell on the enemy queen to clean bold her quickly.

2. GoValk

Army Composition:

  • 2 Golem
  • 15 Valkyrie
  • 6 Wall breaker
  • 7 wizards
  • 1 heal spell
  • 3 rage spell
  • 1 poison spell

Training Time:37 Min 30 sec

Now it is clear to you that the most powerful armies at higher Town Hall levels use a lot of dark elixirs. The GoValk strategy is also another powerful army that will put a burden on your dark elixir storage.

But if you find Town Halls full of gold, elixir, and dark elixir then you can fill your storage in no time while also winning a lot of trophies.

The Valkyries need a funneling to enter the base and after that, you need to rage them. Most Town Hall 9 defenses get destroyed in less than 90 seconds. The only enemy of this strategy is opponent heroes. Therefore you need poison to slow down their damage.

1. Queen Walk

Army Composition:

  • 5 Healers
  • 3 Lava
  • 12 Balloon
  • 4 Rage Spell
  • 1 Freeze Spell

Training Time:31 Min

Out of all the attack strategies in clash of clans queen walk is my favorite. No matter how many strategies you use or how many different combinations you try, there is nothing as good as queen walk.

The beauty about queen walk is that you can try different army combinations with it. The basic rule is that you need healers that keep healing your queen while she supercharges through the center of the base and tears apart the Town Hall.

You can use an air raid queen attack where the lava hound and balloon help the queen to destroy the opponent’s base or you can use a gowipe style queen walk where the Pekka makes a funnel for a queen.

In any army, combination remembers the healers must be protected from air defense so that they provide maximum healing to the powerful queen. Also, you must have the highest level of the queen at your Town Hall so that you do not fail in this strategy.

Which attack is best for Town Hall 9?

Even though Mass attack still works at Town Hall 9 but I will still recommend going for hybrid armies as they give you a better understanding of how the game evolves at higher Town Hall levels.

You can get three stars with Mass dragon or mass hog rider or Mass Valkyrie or even Mass Pekka attack but all these attacks are successful only against Town Hall 9.5 or lower.

A maxed-out Town Hall 9 with a maxed-out queen and troops in Clan castle can easily overthrow such attacks.

What’s the best attack strategy for the Clash of Clans?

For the sake of the above arguments, I have tried to not include Mass “inert troop here” armies in this top 10 list.

You will still find two mass armies in the list below but they solve a special purpose. If you want to create the best attack strategy for TH9 then you must focus on the two x-bow and archer queens that are introduced at this Town Hall level.

How do you attack a dragon with Town Hall 9?

As the Queen can attack both ground and air therefore mass dragon attack strategy is almost a failure. Also, you have four air defenses at Town Hall 9 which makes it almost impossible to defeat via a dragon spam attack.

Which Town Hall 9 attack strategy is your favorite?

Clash ON

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10 Best Town Hall 9 Army and Attack Strategies in CoC 2024 - NewForestSafari (2024)


What army should I use for Town Hall 9? ›

GoValk is a popular army composition to take down any Town Hall 9 base in Clash of Clans. However, it may require plenty of Dark Elixir for training. Funnel the Valkyrie once they enter the core base and rage them to increase speed and power.

How to destroy Town Hall 9? ›

If there is more than one air defense rage spell to help the balloons WITHOUT the lava hound to help destroy the air defense. Deploy all remaining balloons to clear all the defenses. Deploy the dragon, Barbarian King, and Archer Queen to destroy all remaining buildings, loot, and Town Hall.

What is the most used attack strategy in Clash of Clans? ›

Mass Dragon is the most well-known offensive method in Clash of Clans. This approach is extremely beneficial in Town Hall 10 and may be used in multiplayer battles and clan war attacks as well. The attack works best against bases with weak-level air defenses and air sweepers.

How to raid th9? ›

You'll need 18 hog riders, one golem (at least level 3), 3 witches (level 2), 5-10 wall breakers (based on how many walls need to be destroyed), and the rest wizards. Bring a golem in the clan castle. Bring three heal spells and one rage spell, or two heal spells and rage spells, depending on the base.

What level should my heroes be at Town Hall 9? ›

Get both heroes to level 30. I got my king to level 18 but my queen to level 30 and it was really helpful. If everything else is maxed out (except) your heroes, move ahead to the next TH level.. You will definitely catchup, but make sure you do that (upgrading them at the next level).

How long does it take to upgrade everything in Town Hall 9? ›

Overall Upgrade Costs and Durations
StructuresElixir27d 17h 32m
LabElixir1mo 26d 12h
Dark Elixir
HeroesDark Elixir1mo 10d 10h*
3 more rows

What is the max level of base queen in Town Hall 9? ›

Hi good question, the max level archer queen at TH9 is level 30.

How much gold does it take to max out Town Hall 9? ›

It cost over 122,400,000 gold to max th9 walls for level 8-10 ,took 2 days grinding with 1gem boost.

Which troop is best for attack in coc? ›

Dragons and P.E.K.K.A.s are the last two to unlock in the standard Barracks, making them the strongest troops of all. Dragons and P.E.K.K.A.s are great when separate, but when they come together they make your raids epic. To use this attack, train 5 Dragons and 4 P.E.K.K.A.s.

What is the most powerful Defence in COC? ›

The Giga Inferno for Town Hall 14 to Town Hall 16 is currently the best defensive structure in COC. The Eagle Artillery and Scattershot also provide great value, but they require constant reloads from the players.

What is the max level of traps in th9? ›

Bomb level 6, spring trap level 4, giant bomb level 3, Air mine level 2, air bomb level 4, skeleton trap level 3, hidden tesla level 7.

What troops are best for level 9 barracks? ›

What are the top troops to train at a level 9 barracks? 4 pekka. 2 golem. 4 wall breaker.

What troops should I use in COC? ›

  • 1 Giant + Healer.
  • 2 GoWiPe.
  • 3 GoWiWi.
  • 4 Dragon + P.E.K.K.A.'s.
  • 5 Balloonion.
  • 6 Lavaloonion.
  • 7 P.E.K.K.A. + Valkyries.
  • 8 H.A.M.

Should I upgrade my town hall to level 9? ›

It is common to have a lot of spare Elixir towards the end of Town Hall 8. Once you reach Town Hall 9 and are upgrading walls to level 9, you can use any spare Elixir on walls but don't upgrade to Town Hall 9 just because of having a lot of spare Elixir. Finish the other upgrades that require Gold.

Should I max all troops before upgrading town hall? ›

So, when is the right time to upgrade your town hall? The answer to this question depends on your play style and goals. If you are a casual player who enjoys playing the game at a leisurely pace, then upgrading your town hall when you have maxed out your current buildings and troops might be the best option.

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Name: Fredrick Kertzmann

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